Kennarar námskeiðsins eru Gwyneth McCormack frá Positive Eye í Bretlandi og Elfa Hermannsdóttir, deildarstjóri sérkennsluráðgjafar hjá Miðstöðinni.
Gwyneth rekur ráðgjafa- og kennslufyrirtækið Positive Eye í Bretlandi og sinnir ráðgjöf í sínu heimalandi og í Evrópu. Gwyneth stýrir námi í QTVI (qualified teacher of visual impairment) við Háskólann í Newsport í Suður-Wales.

Helstu áherslur á námskeiðinu eru hvernig kennarar geta sinnt kennslu blindra/sjónskerta nemenda en jafnframt mætt þörfum allra nemenda. Nánari lýsing á námskeiðinu er á ensku hér fyrir neðan.

Tímasetning: Föstudagur 17. febrúar og laugardagur 18. febrúar frá kl. 09-16, báða dagana.
Staður: Salur Blindrafélagsins, 2. Hæð, Hamrahlíð 17.
Kennari: Gwyneth McCormack og Elfa Hermannsdóttir.

Meeting the needs of children with visual impairment in the mainstream educational setting.
Course overview:
The two day course offers an overview for teachers and teaching assistants who are supporting and working with children with visual impairments in their school setting.  Delegates will begin to develop an understanding of the complexity and depth of educational need and the strategies and approaches that are appropriate to support the child in enabling and maximising their independent access to the curriculum.

Course aims:
Delegates will develop an understanding in the following areas:
Types of visual loss and the role of the other senses in supporting the child’s access to the world. 

The impact of visual impairment on the child’s learning and development:

  • Social and emotional, motor, language, concept development

Practical strategies and approaches to enable access to the curriculum.

  • Managing the classroom environment
  • Access to curriculum materials
  • Access to distance vision tasks

Supporting the child’s social inclusion and maximising their independence:

  • Developing the child’s independent access skills
  • Supporting the child’s social inclusion
  • Reflection of the professional’s role in maximizing the child’s independence
  • Consideration of the school’s role in providing an inclusive approach to maximise the child’s independence and social integration

The course will take a workshop approach including a range of interactive and practical activities, to encourage and support learning amongst the delegates attending the course.